Acupuncture treatment for cerebral palsy is considered a relatively new therapy. Only a few in-depth studies have been done, but the results have been positive. The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) has had their studies highlighted throughout the research for this therapy. In one of these studies, a 6-year-old with severe cerebral palsy was treated with scalp acupuncture and ear acupuncture. In these acupuncture sessions, needles were inserted in several points on the scalp and behind the ears to provide stimulation. After the first of 15 weekly, sometimes bi-weekly, sessions, the young boy began to show improvement.
When the child entered the study, he had almost no control of his upper and lower body. He also had difficulties with speech. His muscles were so weak that he could not even mark a paper with a pencil. After the first week of therapy, his speech had improved to the point where physicians could understand what he was saying. By the second week, he began to kick his legs and stand on one foot.
Before starting his third session, the child started to speak even more clearly and began to dress himself. During the 4th session, he laughed along with the doctors while undergoing treatment. By the fifth session, due to his increasing physical and communicative abilities, he began to feel safer at school and interact with his peers. He also began to write and paint with ease. As the sessions continued, the boy continued to improve. His educational skills improved to meet his grade level. He communicated easily and remained physically active. His treatments were spaced apart until the intended therapy course was completed.
As the sessions continued, the boy continued to improve. His educational skills improved to meet his grade level. He communicated easily and remained physically active. His treatments were spaced apart until the intended therapy course was completed.