Day Care Center

Adult day care programs are supportive services designed to meet the needs of adults with disabilities who have difficulty performing activities of daily living. These programs provide for adult's physical and emotional well-being through healthcare services, social and recreational activities. By staying active during the day and returning home in the evening, adults keep a sense of independence and remain close to their families.Adult day programs keep adults busy throughout the morning and early afternoon... they return home in the evening more relaxed... and their family can enjoy some much needed personal time. These day programs give the families peace of mind, knowing that their loved one is enjoying companionship and care which allows them to handle their daily commitments without worry or interruption. Most importantly, participation in an adult day program allows the senior to remain in the community enabling their families to continue caring for them at home. In choosing a program and center, think about your family member's needs as well as your own. Consider the available physical or occupational therapies, socialization opportunities, recreational activities, health monitoring and personal care services from which your family member might benefit. Programs offering these services provide the caregiver with occasional free time, coverage while working, and emotional support. These services can alleviate stress and improve time management for you and your family.
As a child care provider, it’s important to remember that children with special needs are children first. They have the same needs as all children — a place where they feel physically comfortable, loved and secure; opportunities to play and learn; people who care about them; and activities that allow them to be successful. Children with special needs often are not so different from typically-developing children. They may need more time to learn and practice certain skills. They may need more praise and encouragement to gain the skills typical for their age group. They may need specific adaptations to help them succeed at certain activities. But it’s important to remember that in many, many ways these children have lots in common with other children. Many child care professionals and child advocates emphasize this point by using “children first” language, referring to “a child with special needs” rather than “a special needs child.”

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